"we born because we have a big dream.."

Tuesday 16 September 2014

FILM 2 : When I Have A Some Power


Film ini merupakan film kedua FeelM. Film ini dibuat dengan durasi agak panjang, yaitu sekitar 6 menit, lebih lama dibanding film pertamanya. Dengan berkembangnya ide-ide membuat film, Faris Luthfi dan Sandhy Prasetyo memutuskan untuk terus membuat karya perfilman.

This film is the second film FeelM. The film was made ​​with a rather long duration, which is about 6 minutes, much longer than the first film. With the development of ideas to make films, Faris Luthfi and Sandhy Prasetyo decided to continue to make the film work.

Film ini menceritakan tentang seorang siswa, Sandhy Prasetyo yang bermimpi buruk. Ia-pun terbangun dan ia lupa bahwa hari itu adalah hari dimana ia harus sekolah, padahal jam sudah hampir gerbang ditutup. Saat disekolah, ia tiba-tiba merasa pusing dan tiba-tiba memiliki kekuatan jumper. Awalnya ia tidak tahu asalnya kekuatan yang ia miliki. Namun, ia akhirnya mengetahui kekuatannya dari mimpi buruknya tadi malam.

This film tells the story of a student, who had a nightmare Sandhy Prasetyo. -He was awake and he forgot that it was the day that he must go to school, even though the clock is almost the gate closed. When at school, he suddenly felt dizzy and suddenly have the power jumper. At first he did not know it came from her power. However, he finally learned the strength of his nightmare last night.

Film ini hanya menggunakan kamera digital Sony (entah tipe kameranya, yang jelas harganya 1,3 juta) dan tripod pinjaman. Namun, meskipun dengan peralatan yang minimal, akhirnya bisa menghasilkan karya yang maksimal.

The film was only using a Sony digital camera (either type of camera, which is obviously the price is 1.3 million) and loan tripod. However, even with minimal equipment, can ultimately produce works that maximum.


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