"we born because we have a big dream.."

Thursday 25 September 2014

3. Shooting Mode (Semi-Automatic)

1. Program Mode

Dalam program mode, kamera secara otomatis akan menentukan Aperture dan Shutter Speed untuk kita berdasarkan jumlah cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa. Jika anda menemukan momen yang penting dan tidak ingin berpikir apa-apa langsung jepret, gunakan mode ini.

In program mode, the camera automatically determines the aperture and shutter speed for us based on the amount of light entering through the lens. If you find that an important moment and do not want to think anything direct snap, use this mode.

Kamera akan berusaha menyeimbangkan antara shutter dan aperture, jika kita mengarahkan lensa ke area yang terang, angka aperture secara otomatis membesar sementara shutter speed dipertahankan di angka yang lumayan cepat. Arahkan kamera ke area gelap dan angka aperture akan mengecil untuk mempertahakan shutter supaya tidak terlalu blur.

In program mode, the camera automatically determines the aperture and shutter speed for us based on the amount of light entering through the lens. If you find that an important moment and do not want to think anything direct snap, use this mode.

Ada cara untuk mengubah pengukuran otomatis kamera, dengan memutar kontrol dial di kamera. Jika kita putar dial ke kiri maka kamera akan “dipaksa” memperlambat shutter speed dan menambah aperture. Jika memuter dial ke kanan, kamera akan “dipaksa” mempercepat shutter speed dan memperkecil aperture.

There are ways to change the automatic measurement of the camera, by turning the control dial on the camera. If we turn the dial to the left of the camera will be "forced" to slow down the shutter speed and aperture adds. If memuter dial to the right, the camera will be "forced" to speed up the shutter speed and aperture far.

2. Shutter-Priority Mode

Di mode shutter priortiy, kita secara manual mengatur nilai shutter speed dan kamera secara otomatis memilih nilai aperture untuk kita bserdasarkan jumlah cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa. 

In priortiy shutter mode, we manually set the shutter speed value and the camera automatically selects the aperture value to our bserdasarkan amount of light entering through the lens

Mode ini bisa kita pakai saat ingin membekukan gerakan atau kalau kita sengaja ingin menciptakan foto blur. Jika ada terlalu banyak cahaya, maka angka aperture akan membesar (bukaan mengecil) sehingga jumlah cahaya yang masuk lensa akan berkurang. Jika terlalu sedikit cahaya masuk lensa makan angka aperture akan mengecil (bukaan membesar) supaya cahaya makin banyak masuk lensa.

This mode can be used when we want to freeze motion or if we deliberately wanted to create blurry photos. If there is too much light, then the number will be larger aperture (smaller aperture) so that the amount of light entering the lens will be reduced. If too little light to enter the lens aperture will eat smaller number (aperture dilate) so that more and more light entering the lens

Jadi di mode shutter priority, nilai shutter speed akan konstan tidak berubah sesuai (sesuai setting kita), sementara nilai aperture akan bervariasi tergantung jumlah cahaya.

So in shutter priority mode, the shutter speed will be a constant value does not change accordingly (according to our settings), while the aperture value will vary depending on the amount of light.

3. Aperture-Priority Mode

Di mode aperture priority, kita set besaran aperture secara manual dan kamera akan menentukan besar shutter speed sesuai jumlah cahaya yang masuk lensa. Dengan menggunakan mode aperture priority, kita memiliki kontrol penuh pada Depth of Field, karena kita bisa menurunkan atau menaikkan bukaan lensa dan membiarkan kamera yang menghitung shutter speed.

In aperture priority mode, we set the amount of the aperture manually and the camera shutter speed will determine the appropriate amount of light entering the lens. By using the aperture priority mode, we have full control on depth of field, because we can decrease or increase the aperture and let the camera calculate the shutter speed

Menggunakan mode aperture priority adalah cara aman dalam mengoperasikan kamera karena resiko foto menjadi under-exposed (gelap) atau over-exposed (terlalu terang) lumayan kecil. Kenapa? karena nilai shutter kamera range-nya lumayan lebar, dari 30 detik sampai 1/4000 detik (atau 1/8000 detik dikamera canggih), yang mana sangat mencukupi untuk berbagai kondisi cahaya.

Using aperture priority mode is a safer way to operate the camera due to the risk of becoming under-exposed photo (dark) or over-exposed (too bright) pretty small. Why? because the value of his camera shutter fairly wide range, from 30 seconds to 1/4000 second (or 1/8000 sec advanced on camera), which is sufficient for a wide range of light conditions.

4. Manual Mode

Seperti namanya, kita mengontrol nilai aperture dan shutter speed kamera secara manual sepenuhnya. Anda harus memilih nilai aperture sekaligus shutter speed. Mode ini bisa dipakai saat memotret obyek foto yang kondisi pencahayaan-nya membuat kamera “bingung”.

As the name suggests, we control the aperture value and shutter speed fully manual camera. You must select the aperture value at the same shutter speed. This mode can be used when shooting objects that photo of her lighting conditions make the camera "confused". 

Contohnya adalah saat kita memotret teman di pantai yang sangat terang, kamera mungkin akan salah menilai exposure sehingga wajah teman jadi hitam supaya pasir dipantai tidak over-exposed.

As the name suggests, we control the aperture value and shutter speed fully manual camera. You must select the aperture value at the same shutter speed. This mode can be used when shooting objects that photo of her lighting conditions make the camera "confused". 

Dalam kasus seperti ini, kita bisa mengganti mode menjadi manual dan melakukan metering dengan mengukur exposure di wajah teman lalu menentukan aperture serta shutter speed secara manual berdasarkan hasil metering tadi.

In cases like this, we can change the mode to manual and perform metering by measuring exposure in the face of friends and then sets the aperture and shutter speed manually based on the results of earlier metering. 

Mode manual juga berguna saat misalnya kita memotret panorama, supaya terjadi konsistensi. Foto panorama dihasilkan dari beberapa foto yang dijahit, dan nilai aperture maupun shutter speed sebaiknya selalu konsisten sehingga hasil akhir foto panorama akan konsisten tidak belang-belang ada yang gelap dan ada yang terang.

Manual mode is also useful when for example we take a panorama, so that consistency occurs. Generated panoramic images stitched from several photos, and the aperture value and shutter speed should always be consistent so that the end result would be consistent panoramic photo is not mottled dark and there is no light.


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